Teresa Paiva

Teresa Paiva
“The BIAL Foundation, by proposing scientific funding for areas on the frontier between knowledge and science, successfully threw a “stone in the pond”, whose ripples has not stopped growing. On the other hand, it has been an example of private scientific funding with a rigorous methodology, and therefore very important in our country. The international weight that it progressively acquires is yet another indicator of the quality of its work. Finally, it represents the realization of a dream, the sublimation of an idea, and the fulfilment of a mission.”

Teresa Paiva graduated in Medicine in 1969. She is currently Clinical Director of CENC - Sleep Medicine Center, researcher at CHRC-UN and ISAMB-FM-UL and collaborator of the Graduate Studies in Sleep Psychology of the UCP and Sleep of Childhood and Adolescence of ESSCVP.

She is a Neurologist, Neurophysiologist with Competence in Sleep Medicine and a European Somnologist. She was invited Associate Professor of Neurology at FM-UL and Biomedical Engineering at IST-UL. Organized the 1st Headache Clinic, the 1st Sleep Laboratory in Portugal and the 1st World Master's Degree in Sleep Medicine and Sleep Sciences.

In 2015 she started the Sleep & Nature Hotel project, which opened on 30 June 2022. During the COVID pandemic she developed the national project “COVID, Health, Sleep and Habits” in collaboration with ISAMB, CHRC, University of Évora and multiple institutions.

She has an intense clinical activity and develops frequent actions around Sleep to the public and professionals. She has published 190 articles, 85 book chapters and 15 books published in several languages. Scientific citations show a progressive increase since her retirement in 2005 (presently in 2023: 6384 citations h index of 45; i10 of 110).

She received several awards, among which BIAL awards. She is responsible for websites www.isleep.pt and www.sonocenc.pt.

Teresa Paiva

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