Today, the BIAL Foundation celebrates 30 years of patronage activity in three areas with the aim of stimulating new discoveries and contributing to the improvement of human life: the attribution of Awards, the Grants Programmes for Scientific Research and the “Behind and Beyond the Brain” Symposia.
On May 6, 1994, supported by BIAL, together with the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities, the BIAL Foundation began its mission to foster the scientific study of human being from both the physical and spiritual perspectives.
Founder and chairman Luís Portela highlights that “the BIAL Foundation exists mainly because we believe in Portugal, and we want to contribute to fulfilling Portugal's destiny. For three decades, the BIAL Foundation has been distinguishing and supporting those who seek to advance in science and knowledge in Portugal and worldwide”.
Since its creation, the BIAL Foundation has developed a close relationship with the international scientific community. Among the researchers supported, is worth highlighting scientists from prestigious universities in Europe, the United States, Australia, Russia, and Japan, among many others. “Our geographic scope is global”, declares Luís Portela, stressing that the Foundation will continue to “award the most outstanding scientific works and support the best research in Neurosciences and Parapsychology at an international level”.
The chairman marks the date, expressing “deep gratitude to all those who have selflessly contributed to the BIAL Foundation”, affirming the desire to “strengthen our structure and our activities”, and reinforcing “the quality of science that that we support and distinguish, so that we can increasingly contribute to the enlightenment of humanity”.