Are people who believe in the paranormal more vulnerable to stress?
A study of 3084 participants evaluated whether two types of belief in the paranormal might be associated with different levels of perceived stress.
Do we perceive the weight of our body parts and the weight of objects differently?
According to Newton’s law, weight is given by the product of its mass and gravity. How does the brain determine the weight of objects and body parts?
Does the combination of psychedelics and meditation enhance mystical experiences?
Researchers assessed whether combining psychedelics with meditation increases mindfulness, compassion, insight, and mystical-type transcendence to a higher degree than meditation with a placebo.
Health professionals' responses to stress in critical care scenarios and the risk of burnout
A study assessed the psychobiological functioning of 27 Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical doctors and paramedics, stressing the importance of recovery periods.
Are psi researchers more like lay believers or sceptics?
A study shows that academics who work with psi differ from lay psi individuals, but not from sceptics, in actively open-minded thinking.
Could the healthcare provider's nonverbal behaviour modulate pain reports and placebo effects?
The effects of the nonverbal behaviour of healthcare providers on pain reports and placebo effects may differ in healthy males and females.
To what extent do the boundaries of our body seem to fade during focused-attention meditation?
An experimental study revealed that a 15-minute focused-attention meditation session blurred the boundary between the self and the environment.
Is it possible to regulate the feeling of disgust by imaginary placebo pill intake?
A study compared the effects of a placebo pill and an imaginary pill in reducing visually induced disgust.
Web-based mindfulness intervention improves memory and attention in the elderly
A research team assessed cognitive, psychological and physiological outcomes of a mindfulness-based intervention in healthy older adults.
Identification of a molecule involved in fear extinction opens avenues for new therapies for anxiety
The discovery of mediator responsible for altering fear memories could contribute to the creation of new therapies for the treatment of anxiety disorders.
Does blindness affect the way we perceive whether an emotion is authentic or posed?
The results showed that the late-blind participants performed worse in the assessment of emotional authenticity.
Ayahuasca-induced personal death subjective experiences
Researchers analysed studies on self-reported experiences related to the sensation of death during ayahuasca ceremonies.
What happens in the brain when we say "No"?
Negation plays an important role in language, changing the meaning of sentences and the focus of our attention. Recent studies suggest that understanding non-action sentences, such as "She did not write the letter", involves brain areas responsible for movement control. In this context, Alessio Avenanti and collaborators investigated how reading affirmative and negative action and attention sentences affects inhibitory and facilitatory mechanisms in the primary motor cortex (M1), which controls movements. Using a technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), they discovered that negated action sentences (like "did not write") decrease activity in the brain's motor areas, blocking action. However, non-action sentences, such as "She was not attentive", do not have this effect. Negated action sentences also reduce the activity of inhibitory circuits in the brain, regulated by the neurotransmitter GABAA, but do not affect circuits that facilitate brain activity. These findings help us better understand how the brain processes language and how this is connected to the movements we perform. This study was supported by the BIAL Foundation, in the scope of the research project 304/22 - Boosting and hindering action imitation by modulating spike-timing dependent plasticity, and published in the journal Brain and Language, in the article Exploring the impact of sentential negation on inhibitory motor networks: Insights from paired-pulse TMS.
Did you know that the human brain can study itself?
It seems like a paradox, but it's true! The brain, responsible for our consciousness and perception, has the unique ability to study itself. But how can an organ analyze itself? How can the brain serve as both the subject and the tool of its study? A recent review, led by Simone Battaglia, delved into these questions, combining philosophical and neuroscientific perspectives. In trying to understand itself, the brain faces a unique dilemma: how can a complex system analyze its functions without an external reference point? This dilemma is compared to the philosophical concept of "self-reference", where a system must define and understand itself from within. Another key issue is the dichotomy between scientific objectivity and the subjectivity of conscious experience. The study suggests that a complete understanding of the brain and mind requires an approach that integrates both aspects. Effectively, scientists combine advanced brain imaging techniques, such as MRI, which studies the brain at structural and functional levels, with introspection, the process of reflecting on thoughts and experiences. These complementary approaches allow for a deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying consciousness and perception. Studying how the brain generates different states of consciousness can help identify signs of disorders such as depression or schizophrenia, and new ways to treat post-traumatic stress, for example. There is still much to discover, but these studies could pave the way for new insights into understanding and addressing the complexities of the human mind. This review was published in the scientific journal Physics of Life Reviews, in the article The paradox of the self-studying brain as part of the research project 235/22 - SPARKS: Driving associative plasticity in the cortically blind brain to promote recovery of visual awareness to promote recovery of visual awareness, supported by the BIAL Foundation.
How does the brain learn from rewards and punishments?
Our brains select the most important information and focus on it. To make decisions, they evaluate whether each stimulus is positive or negative. Positive stimuli encourage approach, while negative ones lead to avoidance, aiding in survival. The nucleus accumbens (NAc) plays a central role in this process, but the functioning of its neurons is not yet fully understood. The team led by Carina Soares-Cunha studied the D1 and D2 neurons in the NAc to understand how they distinguish stimuli and influence learning. Using advanced imaging in mice, they observed that associative learning (when a stimulus is associated with a reward or punishment), both types of neurons are activated and work together, but in different ways. However, when associations change, such as when a negative stimulus no longer has an unpleasant consequence, D2 neurons are essential for extinguishing that aversive association. Since difficulties in modifying negative associations are linked to anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder, better understanding the function of D2 neurons may help develop new treatments. This study was published in the scientific journal Nature Communications, in the article Dynamic representation of appetitive and aversive stimuli in nucleus accumbens shell D1- and D2-medium spiny neurons, as part of research project 175/20 - The role of nucleus accumbens in the perception of natural rewards, supported by the BIAL Foundation.
Interview with Ralph Adolphs: "Ambitious science is becoming more and more expensive"
The neuroscientist Ralph Adolphs (Caltech, USA), President of the Jury, challenges organised groups of scientists to nominate outstanding papers, underlining the significant increase in the prize amount to €350,000 and its growing reputation as a prelude to the Nobel Prize. He highlights the Award's altruistic nature and unique criteria, which continue to elevate the global recognition and impact of groundbreaking biomedical research. Nominations are open until June 30.
Luís Portela honoured with the Career with Purpose Award
The chairman of the BIAL Foundation, Luís Portela, was honoured with the Career with Purpose Award for his more than four decades of leadership of the pharmaceutical company BIAL.
Research on Alzheimer's disease wins Prémio BIAL de Medicina Clínica 2024
Neuroradiologist and researcher Tiago Gil Oliveira was the winner of the Prémio BIAL de Medicina Clínica 2024, with the work ‘Uncovering the mysteries of brain regional susceptibility to neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease: from neuropathology to brain magnetic resonance imaging’, which identifies the brain regions differentially affected by Alzheimer's disease, contributing to a more accurate and earlier diagnosis of what is the most prevalent neurodegenerative pathology in Portugal and worldwide.
How does heart rate variability shape emotional brain networks?
Brain connectivity and autonomic function are closely related to emotional regulation, interoception, and autonomic stability. The Default Mode Network (DMN), associated with self-referential and emotional processes, and the insula, which plays a crucial role in interoception, emotional regulation, and autonomic control, are functionally interconnected. These two components often activate together during certain mental processes, suggesting a fundamental interaction between cognitive and emotional functions. To deepen the understanding of this interaction, a study led by Joana Coutinho investigated the functional connectivity between the insula and the DMN, also exploring its relationship with heart rate variability (HRV), an important marker of autonomic regulation. HRV is a measure of the autonomic nervous system's ability to respond to stress and maintain emotional stability, making it a relevant indicator for studying emotional regulation. The results showed a significant positive correlation between the functional connectivity of the insula and DMN, but no direct relationship was observed between this connectivity and HRV. This finding suggests that the interaction between brain connectivity and autonomic regulation is more complex than initially thought and may require more sophisticated models to be fully understood. Therefore, these results highlight the importance of future studies for a more detailed understanding of the brain circuits involved in modulating heart activity, which could lead to the development of more effective therapeutic strategies, especially for clinical populations with alterations in these processes. This study was supported by the BIAL Foundation, in the scope of the research project 87/12 - Neurobiological correlates of empathy in couples: A study of central and peripheral measures, and published in Brain Sciences, in the article Examining Insula – Default Mode Network Functional Connectivity and Its Relationship with Heart Rate Variability.
Prémio BIAL de Medicina Clínica 2024: Award Ceremony
The winning work of the Prémio BIAL de Medicina Clínica 2024 and the honorable mentions will be announced in the Award ceremony that will take place on February 12, 2025, at 11 a.m. in Lisbon, and will be held in a hybrid format, so everyone can watch online. The event will be chaired by the President of the Republic.
How does the brain represent the human body: Vision, language, or both?
Recent research suggests that two processes may coexist in the brain's representation of the human body: one based on visuo-spatial information and the other on linguistic information. This model postulates that, in addition to relying on visual perception to understand the relationships between body parts, we also use information derived from language. A study conducted by Luca Rinaldi and collaborators explored this idea by directly investigating whether these two forms of representation - perceptual and linguistic - truly coexist. To do so, the researchers used distributional semantic models (DSMs), computational tools that analyse texts to identify how words (and, in this case, body parts) are related in language. For instance, words like "hand" often appear associated with "arm" or "finger" in texts. These linguistic relationships were used to construct a body map based on the semantic distances between different body parts. To test this linguistic map, the researchers conducted two behavioural experiments. In both, participants had to evaluate the proximity between body parts presented as words or as images. The results showed that both perceptual information (based on vision) and linguistic information (extracted from language) influenced participants' performance. In other words, linguistic representations complemented visual ones, suggesting that the brain uses both sources of information when mentally processing and organizing the human body. These findings support theories arguing that mental representations combine perceptual and linguistic information. Thus, our understanding of the human body depends not only on what we see but also on how language structures that understanding. This study was supported by the BIAL Foundation, in the scope of the research project 13/22 - RE-thinking the role of the spatial memory system in cognitive MAPs (acronym: REMAP), and published in the Journal of Cognition, in the article A Body Map Beyond Perceptual Experience.
How do the Stages of Insight transform our mind?
Several contemplative traditions offer detailed maps to guide meditative progress towards enlightenment and liberation from psychological suffering, highlighting their potential to promote mental health and well-being. In Theravada Buddhism, one of these maps is known as the Stages of Insight (SoI), a comprehensive framework that describes meditative progress from the initial understanding of mind and matter to the reaching of Nirvana. This journey, experienced through advanced meditative practices, allows for a series of profound psychological transformations, such as changes in perception, self-experience, cognition, and emotional processing. An innovative study led by Matthew Sacchet used high-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging (7T MRI) to explore brain activity during the SoI. The research team identified specific brain activity patterns associated with the SoI, different from non-meditative states. SoI deactivated regions related to self-processing (such as the medial prefrontal cortex) and activated regions associated with perception and awareness (such as the parietal and visual cortices). Additionally, the SoI were associated with changes in emotional states, such as greater peace and equanimity, characterized by self-transcendence and mental stability. In conclusion, these results suggest stronger awareness and perceptual sensitivity and acuity during the SoI, with positive implications for psychological well-being and opening new horizons for the understanding of advanced meditation. This study was supported by the BIAL Foundation, in the scope of the research project 99/20 - Beyond "mindfulness" and toward a modern science of meditative mastery and spiritual transformation, and published in the journal NeuroImage, in the article Deconstructing the self and reshaping perceptions: An intensive whole-brain 7T MRI case study of the stages of insight during advanced investigative insight meditation.
How does postingestive reward shape our choices?
Postingestive processes, which refer to the physiological and behavioural responses occurring after food intake, are crucial for regulating eating behaviour, influencing both the sensation of satiety and food preferences. The research team led by Albino Oliveira Maia investigated the impact of these processes on three distinct groups: healthy individuals, people with obesity, and post-bariatric surgery patients. Specifically, the study explored whether these effects occur through implicit (non-conscious) mechanisms and how the availability of dopamine D2 receptors in the brain is related to these processes. Using the flavour-nutrient conditioning (FNC) method, where the flavour of yogurt enriched with maltodextrin was associated with increased caloric content, it was observed that food preferences were influenced primarily through implicit consumption decisions rather than explicit assessments of flavour pleasantness ratings. In other words, the study demonstrated that FNC affected food choices without participants being consciously aware that they were preferring foods due to their association with nutritional value. This shift was observed in healthy individuals, people with obesity, and post-bariatric patients. Furthermore, people with obesity showed lower availability of dopamine D2 receptors, crucial in the brain's reward system. After bariatric surgery, particularly gastric bypass, there was an increase in receptor availability, which may be linked to improved feeding behavior regulation. These findings suggest that changes in the reward system may play a role in the surgery's effectiveness in reducing weight and modifying eating behaviours. This study was supported by the BIAL Foundation, in the scope of the research project 176/10 - Dopaminergic regulation of dietary learning in humans and rodents, and published in the journal PLOS BIOLOGY, in the article Postingestive reward acts through behavioral reinforcement and is conserved in obesity and after bariatric surgery.
Maria de Sousa Award 5th edition - 2025: applications are open
Applications are now open for the Maria de Sousa Award 5th edition - 2025, promoted by the Portuguese Medical Association and the BIAL Foundation to honour the physician and great researcher Maria de Sousa. The deadline for applications is 31 May.
The quest of physiological markers for the experience of pain
Researcher: Elia Valentini - Department of Psychology & Centre for Brain Science, University of Essex Summary: The aim of this project is to improve measurement of the human experience of pain by investigating a combination of psychophysical and physiological responses during mild noxious stimulation. More specifically, we want to investigate how sensitive and specific to pain the brain oscillatory responses are. We use EEG as the main technique, but we are keen to collaborate with neuroscientists using fMRI, autonomic measures and brain stimulation as well as with computational neuroscientists. A clinical collaborator would also be very much welcome.
EEG investigation of hypnosis and decision-making
Researcher: Rinaldo Livio Perri - University Niccolò Cusano Rome, Italy Summary: I work in the field of hypnosis and cognitive neuroscience. In particular, I adopt the event-related potentials (ERPs) to investigate the effect of the hypnotic suggestions on sensory processing and cognitive performance. I am an expert in decision-making and proactive brain processes before the stimulus administration (e.g., the perceptual, prefrontal and premotor readiness during the expectancy stage). I could help colleagues to properly analyze the ERP signal in the pre-stimulus stage of processing. Also, I would be happy to share my EEG data for re-analyzing them in the frequency domain (e.g., wavelet or coherence analysis in the hypnosis research). Feel free to contact me for any question! More information on my papers: Possible collaborations: neuroscientist with experience in the EEG frequency analysis Email:
Transparent Psi Project - looking for collaborators
Summary: We are running a fully transparent, expert consensus-base multilab replication of Bem’s (2011) experiment 1. The project features state of the art methods to maximize transparency and study integrity. The study involves a computerized experiment taking about 20 minutes per session. Group testing is possible in a computer lab, no specialized equipment needed. Labs are expected to recruit at least 100 participants. Participants will be exposed to images with explicit erotic/sexual content in the experiment. No financial compensation is required for the participants. Data collection is expected to take place in the 2020 fall semester. Every material is provided for ethics/IRB submissions and data collection in English (translation of materials might be necessary by the collaborators). The study is pre-registered and the manuscript is accepted in principle for publication in the journal Royal Society Open Science. All collaborators who meet the minimum sample size criterion will get authorship on this paper reporting the results of the replication study. More information in the preprint: Indicate interest in the collaboration via the following form: With any question contact the lead investigator: Dr. Zoltan Kekecs,
Cognitive control and learning
Researcher: Ignacio Obeso, Ph.D. / CINAC - HM Puerta del Sur Summary: The aim of our projects is to understand the behavioral and neural mechanisms used to learn how humans establish adaptive behaviour in changing contexts. More specifically, we want to decipher how stopping abilities are initially learned and later executed under automatic control. We use task-related fMRI, brain stimulation and clinical models to test our predictions in laboratory settings as well as online home-based paradigms. Possible collaborations: computational scientist Email contact:
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