In order to mark the 20th anniversary of its creation, and simultaneously to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the BIAL Award and the 20th anniversary of Grants for Scientific Research, BIAL Foundation created, in 2014, a Documentation Centre and a Database available online.
The Documentation Centre – Foundation’s document repository - includes references and, in some cases, the electronic files, of the books regarding the several editions of BIAL Award, Symposia “Behind and Beyond the Brain” and Grants for Scientific Research.
Database includes information regarding projects, in the fields of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology, supported by the Foundation from 1994 to the present. In this context, the project title, the researchers, their institutional affiliation, the project’s abstract, when available, and the keywords are identified.
In what concerns to completed projects, the final reports may be consulted when allowed by the Principal Investigators (Pls). Additionally, it is possible to search for references of documents resulting from projects.
Database indicates which documents are indexed in SCOPUS and/or ISI Web of Science. It also presents the journal impact factor in the year of publication of the article/abstract, according to Journal Citation Reports, and “Times cited” data retrieved from Web of Science™ Core Collection.
This database represents the current repository of the scientific activity of the researchers supported by the BIAL Foundation, to which the scientific community can access.
The BIAL Foundation hopes the building of the present database will achieve two purposes: an internal purpose enabling evaluation of the productivity and significance of the projects funded. An external purpose that will enable the easy access by the general public to the work done by the researchers supported by the BIAL Foundation and that will constitute a valuable tool for those interested in analyzing progress in the areas preferentially funded by the Foundation allowing the online search of scientific production in the areas of Psychophysiology and Parapsychology.
Varun Venkataramani, Dimitar Ivanov Tanev, Christopher Strahle, Alexander Studier-Fischer, Laura Fankhauser, Tobias Kessler, Christoph Körber, Markus Kardorff, Miriam Ratliff, Ruifan Xie, Heinz Horstmann, Mirko Messer, Sang Peter Paik, Johannes Knabbe, Felix Sahm, Felix T. Kurz, Azer Aylin Acikgöz, Frank Herrmannsdörfer, Amit Agarwal, Dwight E. Bergles, Anthony Chalmers, Hrvoje Miletic, Sevin Turcan, Christian Mawrin, Daniel Hänggi, Hai-Kun Liu, Wolfgang Wick, Frank Winkler & Thomas Kuner
Article published in Springer Nature
Norbert Pardi, Michael J. Hogan, Rebecca S. Pelc, Hiromi Muramatsu, Hanne Andersen, Christina R. DeMaso, Kimberly A. Dowd, Laura L. Sutherland, Richard M. Scearce, Robert Parks, Wendeline Wagner, Alex Granados, Jack Greenhouse, Michelle Walker, Elinor Willis, Jae-Sung Yu, Charles E. McGee, Gregory D. Sempowski, Barbara L. Mui, Ying K. Tam, Yan-Jang Huang, Dana Vanlandingham, Veronica M. Holmes, Harikrishnan Balachandran, Sujata Sahu, Michelle Lifton, Stephen Higgs, Scott E. Hensley, Thomas D. Madden, Michael J. Hope, Katalin Karikó, Sampa Santra, Barney S. Graham, Mark G. Lewis, Theodore C. Pierson, Barton F. Haynes & Drew Weissman
Article published in Springer Nature
Santiago Zelenay, Annemarthe G. van der Veen, Jan P. Böttcher, Kathryn J. Snelgrove, Neil Rogers, Sophie E. Acton, Probir Chakravarty, Maria Romina Girotti, Richard Marais, Sergio A. Quezada, Erik Sahai, Caetano Reis e Sousa
This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Miguel Castelo-Branco
Teresa Coelho, Isabel Conceição, Mónica Inês, Mamede de Carvalho, João Costa
Mário Dinis Ribeiro
Jaime C. Branco, Ana Rodrigues, Nélia Gouveia, Mónica Eusébio, Sofia Ramiro, Pedro Machado, Pedro Laires, Viviana Tavares, Ana Filipa Mourão, Inês Silva, Filipe Araújo, Alexandre Sepriano, Rute Sousa, Susana Sousa, Pedro Simões Coelho, Jorge M. Mendes, Helena Canhão
Jorge Polónia, Luis Martins, Jorge Cotter, Fernando Pinto, José Nazaré
Peter St. George Hyslop
Rui Vaz e colaboradores
Isabel do Carmo, Maria João Fagundes, Maria João Sousa Brito
Miguel Castelo-Branco
João Eurico da Fonseca, Helena Canhão, Maria José Santos, Ana Filipa Mourão, Elsa Sousa, Joana Caetano Lopes, Rita Moura, Pamela Weinmann, José Alberto Pereira da Silva, Jaime Branco, Mário Viana Queiroz
Daniel Pipeleers, Bart Keymeulen, Zhidong Ling
Maria do Céu Machado, Paula Santana, Maria Helena Carreiro, Helena Nogueira,Maria Rosalina Barroso, Alexandra Dias
Maria Isabel Pereira dos Santos
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Adelaide Serra, Fernando Domingos
Alexandre Antunes e colaboradores
Alexandre Castro-Caldas
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Autoria do Grupo do Registo Nacional do Recém Nascido de Muito Baixo Peso
Teresa Paiva e colaboradores
Maria Amália de Sotto-Mayor da Silveira Botelho
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Manuel Jorge Guimarães
Isabel do Carmo, Daniel Sampaio, Dulce Bouça, Zulmira Jorge
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Fernando Tavarela Veloso
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Mário Coelho e colaboradores
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Maria de Sousa
Grupo de Investigação e Tratamento do Hipertenso Idoso
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Ramalho de Almeida
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Fonseca Ferreira
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Paula Coutinho
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J. Martins Palminha e colaboradores
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José Falcão Tavares
Idalmiro da Rocha Carraça
J. Couto Soares Pacheco
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José António Pereira da Silva, Carlos Alberto Antunes Filipe
Maria Francisca Soutelo
Ana Maria Branco
Rogério Gonzaga
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Raul Sousa, João Almeida e Maria Felisberta Leal
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